Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So You Wanna Be A Football Fan?

Football, Futbol, Fußball, Calicio, Soccer; in any language in any country, what a beautiful sport it is. The passion, the determination, the hot men, what else is there to love? As a football aficionado I have often been asked why I adore this sport, nay, way of life so much and all I have to say is that it is the best game in the world. And while football is one of those sports that you either love or don’t love (and most of the world thank god loves it), there is no way to really explain in than by letting you in on the mind of a true football fanatic.

For those of you who have always wondered what it took to love the black and white ball, here is your chance…an interview to get inside the most brilliant, if not coolest, minds on the face of the earth…inside the minds of hard-core football fans. On with the show…

  1. Who do you think will win the world cup?
    Vicky Bee: Portugal or US of course
    Juless123: USA (yeah right)
    REAL SSSSSSSS: Brazil………….6th
    Sergeane Monero: Trinidad and Tobago
    Nellybellly: I am hoping for Mexico for finally fucking take it!
    A to the n-gee: I am going to have to say Mexico, and while I say it every four years, I really feel it this time around (I know I say that every four years as well)

  2. If you won a “follow your team” package, who would you follow?
    Vicky Bee: Portugal or US
    Juless123: U-S-A!!!
    Sergeane Monero: Togo because I think they are strongest African team in the world cup.
    Nellybellly: Dude Mexico def. If not then the USA
    A to the n-gee: Mexico, Brasil or USA

  3. Where do you like to watch games and why?
    Vicky Bee: Anywhere with a big tv where I can be myself (obnoxious, anxious, loud, etc)
    Juless123: At the sporting event. Tailgates, free crap, decent seats! 2nd option, a sports pub with a huge flatscreen, i.e. Britannia arms with at least 5 people, don’t ask me why.
    REAL SSSSSSSS: Anywhere w/ friends and family
    Sergeane Monero: At home, on the couch because I can scream and shout without disturbing anyone…plus I can do chores at halftime, like laundry.
    Nellybellly: My tv because I have HD
    A to the n-gee: At the stadium, so that I can yell things like “look alive” or “clean game” to an actual audience not just the TV. If the stadium is not an option, anywhere that has high-def.

  4. Do you have any rituals before key games?
    Vicky Bee: Besides being nervous……donning riot gear is always a must.
    Juless123: Listening to Whitesnake, AC/DC, RICKY MARTIN!!!
    REAL SSSSSSSS: Wear long pants b/c I usually injure myself due to being a nervous wreck during penalty kicks....actually any kicks……love this game!
    Sergeane Monero: Yes, I don’t predict who will be the winner because it will jinx the team I are rooting for.
    Nellybellly: Pray. LOL no seriously I pray
    A to the n-gee: Putting on my riot gear and prayer is always good

  5. Who, besides DeMarcus Beasley, do you consider the best footballer?
    Vicky Bee: Cristiano Ronaldo by far is the best looking…..wait you said best….
    Juless123: On the world stage? Are we going based on heart crushes? TODDD!!! Okay no, how ‘bout Ronaldo, did I spell that right?
    REAL SSSSSSSS: Zidane_Zinedine....full of class!!! Sorry gang!
    Sergeane Monero: Ronaldinho…..but best looking Nicholas Anelka or Cristiano Ronaldo…althought Ronaldo has Anelka beat hands down in the looks category.
    Nellybellly: Rohnaldino from Brazil.
    A to the n-gee: As far as I am concerned the world starts and ends with the Bease.

  6. What would be your dream game to attend at any world cup?
    Vicky Bee: Portugal vs. Brasil………Brasil losing 3-0.
    Juless123: USA vs. Brazil
    REAL SSSSSSSS: Brazil vs. Portugal…….I think it would be an interesting experience!!!!!!!
    Sergeane Monero: Spain vs. anyone for the simple fact that they are true eye candy.
    Nellybellly: Any Mexico game.
    A to the n-gee: Mexico vs. USA with Mexico winning 6-5 during shoot-outs

  7. What is the best World Cup song to date?
    Vicky Bee: Um…..huhlo…….the only song as far as I’m concerned……La Copa De La Vida…Oye Ricky!
    Juless123: Do you EVEN have to ASK?!?! ’98 baby, it’s all about ’98.
    REAL SSSSSSSS: La Vida Loca
    Sergeane Monero: Not very familiar with songs.
    Nellybellly: Shoot Ricky Martin dude! Hands down.
    A to the n-gee: I think we all can agree that the Cup of Life/La Copa De La Vida is more than a song, it is an institution

  8. Is there any sport better than soccer? (note: if you say yes, we can no longer be friends)
    Vicky Bee: Hell to the naw
    Juless123: I am your friend = that’s a HELL No.
    REAL SSSSSSSS: noooooo.....in any language!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a beautiful game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited....I am also supporting Czechs, Portugal, & Mexico..............
    Sergeane Monero: No…where can you see such physically fit men.
    Nellybellly: Not better but I am a total fan of American Football. GO NINERS!!!!
    A to the n-gee: There are other sports?

  9. Who has the cutest warm ups?
    Vicky Bee: I have to say…..toss up between the US and Argentina
    Juless123: Please see above answers. I’m biased, what can I say.
    REAL SSSSSSSS: France...only b/c of zz
    Sergeane Monero: LOL….
    Nellybellly: I couldn't say
    A to the n-gee: Team USA has some pretty fly ones

So there you have it, I hope you feel enlightened and go watch a game (or 20).


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