Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Point/Counterpoint: Paris Hilton

It’s Not That Bad of a Song vs. Anything Paris Hilton Does is Crap

With all of this world cup excitement going on, I think we are all a little guilty of overlooking another earth moving (or shattering depending on how you see it) moment…the “drop,” as the kids say it, of Paris Hilton’s debut music single “Stars Are Blind.” I don’t know if you had had a chance to check it out or not (lordeh knows I have made anyone within my ear shot listen to it) or what your feeling on the matter are; but for me, I am a little torn. On one end I kinda dig on its catchy tune, on the other end I am a card carrying member of Team Anti Hilton. This “torness” can only mean one thing, the initiation of Point/Counterpoint

It’s Not That Bad of a Song

Okay, there is something I just dig about the song. It reminds me of the good old days of poppy N’Sync and Britney Spears (pre K-Fed and Cheeto encrusted finger nails) and I just can’t get enough. The hook is catchy, the beat reminds me of a Sandals commercial and all around it is just a good time. Lyrics like "Baby, I am perfect for you," I mean that is the kind of stuff I would text funding boy during sappy moments, which can only translate into pop gold! Sometimes I even wake up with the song in my head, and I go around singing it all day. It can’t be that bad right?

Anything Paris Hilton Does is Crap

Wrong, dude, it is a Paris Hilton song and I just can’t look beyond that. There are plenty of beotches who plague my iPod (Li-Lo and Ashley Simpson both take up some of those valuable megs). But Paris Hilton?!?! PARIS HILTON?!?!. As far as I am concerned Paris Hilton has the appeal of…oh God, she has the appeal of nothing. I am not one to pass a good pop song, I would even buy a Nicole Ritchie song if it were good, but there will be no nights or singles in Paris for me. While the stars may all be blind, they certainly aren't def, and you my dear are crap.


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