Wednesday, October 04, 2006

How Charlie Got Her Jade Back

I have this friend whose name is Charlie. Charlie, you see, was one of those “mean” girls you frequently see in high school movies. She partied VIP and made mean comments and wore fantastic young people clothes that fantastic young people wear. Then out of the blue Charlie made a vow when she turned 24 to appreciate the little things in life and not take things for granted. She became a “nice girl” as nice as former mean girls can be anyway.

All was fine and dandy the last few years with Charlie until her somewhat jaded and bored boyfriend invited her this summer to Europe for a few weeks to do what semi-young people do I guess. She then spent the ensuing months in a slippery slope of partying, shopping and hanging outing worthy of an Us Weekly cover story (well okay with the right positioning anyway).

Lets see, jet set across Europe first class, 5 star and Michelin rated? Check. Shopping sprees in designer stores? Check. Chillin Owner Box side at baseball games? Check. Red carpet parties and taking meetings with well known celebs? Check. Comped concerts and events and hanging with radio industry types? Check.

On the outside, Charlie was living the life that people dream about. On the inside, it was a downward spiral into total disarray and boredom of her so called life. This boredom, of course, sprinkled with one of her favorite toppings…too much work, which she fully blames on her pococurantism of life. It is not that she isn't happy or excited when these things happen to her, but I don't think she gets the magnitude when it is all put out on paper like that.

That is when it hit me; Charlie got her jade back.

Hopefully she will snap out of it soon before she gets all Jamie Fox on us and starts to wear her sunglasses at she can so she can.


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